Planning Applications

Maes Gwenyn Cilgwyn

6th Dec 2021

Planning Application: NP/20/0230/FUL

A One Planet Development consisting of Cabin (caravan) (104.4 m2), Greenhouse (65 m2 in total), Compost toilet (9 m2), Barn (89.2 m2) with lean-to Goose House (19.4 m2) & PV array (69 m2)

Reg Date:28-April-2020

Refused 21-Sep-2020

Appeal lodged:06-Apr-2020

Pen y Wern Parrog Road Newport

17th August 2021

Planning ref: NP/21/0120/FUL

Part demolition with alterations to dwelling and garage with replacement roof and green flat roofed extensions.

 Registration Date: 25-Feb-2021

This application will be go before the Development Management Committee on the 8th Dec 21 with the recommendation of approval:

See application on planning site here:

Newport Town Council recommends refusal-see comment below

Tal y Wern Parrog Road Newport SA42 0RP
Part demolition with alterations to dwelling and garage with replacement roof and green flat roofed 
extensions COMMENTS The subject property is clearly visible from
1 The coast path from Penbont to Parrog which is well used
2 The estuary
3 Views across the estuary
The subject property is adjacent to the Newport Parrog Conservation Area All the above make the site 
particularly sensitive The development as proposed would not preserve the character or appearance of 
the adjacent conservation area The proposed amendments to the dwelling significantly increase its size 
as viewed  from the estuary and footpath The design appearance and materials are all inappropriate The 
zinc overcladding is particularly inappropriate and gives the impression of an industrial building The 
glass balustrade is inappropriate for such a site The proposed design is not sympathetic  and is 
uncompromising Presently the property and the adjacent property (which may have been built at 
roughly the same time) are of a similar design and stand apart from nearby properties There is a certain 
symmetry presently The  inappropriate development of the subject property as proposed would be 
highlighted by the traditional design of the adjacent property 


Extracted from the Officer’s report for the Development Management Committee meeting on the 8th Dec.

Newport Town Council’s comments are reproduced in full below.
‘This Council considers this site very sensitive for the reasons previously set out. Also, the view of Carningli from the beach estuary and coast path will be influenced by the proposed development of the subject property. This Council stands by the comments set out in its email dated 23/03/21 in connection with the original plans.
The majority of those comments also apply to the revised plans lodged on 19/08/21 The proposed revised design with the two side extensions significantly increases the
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Item 5 – Report on Planning Applications
Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority
Development Management Committee – 8th December 2021 Page : 8
size of the property as viewed from the North (Sea facing). The adjoining garage
adds to the overwhelming feeling of size . As stated by the Conservation officer in his comments on the original plans, the single storey offshoots do little to help the design.
The Juliette balcony is inappropriate for this sensitive site. As the Conservation
Officer points out, Tal y Wern currently has traditional proportions which it shares with the adjacent property which may have been built at approximately the same time.
The inappropriate nature of the redevelopment of Tal y Wern (as presently designed)would be brought into sharp focus by the traditional proportions of the adjacent dwelling. The Council disagrees with the Conservation officer’s comment that the proposed North sea-facing elevation is broadly traditional. To the contrary, the central gable is anything but traditional. This north elevation of the gable is glazed from the ground to the roof guttering as are both the eastern and western elevations of the same gable. Rather than adding interest as suggested, this gable, as designed, is unsympathetic and inappropriate. In addition, there is significant glazing on the ground floor of both side extensions. It seems that that the roofing material of the side extensions is zinc. This is inappropriate. This is an example of the general failure to reflect the vernacular of the area.
Turning to south elevation, this Council appreciates that this elevation is less
sensitive. However, the zinc cladding and roofing (it appears to be zinc) is
inappropriate. The box shaped windows surrounded with what appears to be zinc cladding are unsympathetic.
As previously stated, there is no attempt to reflect the vernacular of the area.

Tyrhibin Isaf

18th August 2021

NP/21/0191/FUL Proposed Replacement Dwelling & Associated Works.

Reg date: 17-March-2021

See planning application here:

Nevern Community Council’s comment below:




Members of Nevern Community Council strongly oppose the demolition and rebuild of Ty Rhibyn Isaf, Newport, Pembrokeshire. They fully support the Consultation carried out by Mr. Scourfield

‘The planning system must take into account the Welsh Government’s objectives to protect, conserve, promote and enhance the historic environment as a resource for the general well-being of present and future generations. The historic environment is a finite, non-renewable and shared resource and a vital and integral part of the historical and cultural identity of Wales. It contributes to economic vitality and culture, civic pride, local distinctiveness and the quality of Welsh life. The historic environment can only be maintained as a resource for future generations if the individual historic assets are protected and conserved.’

By demolishing the existing cottage, does not in the view of the councillors, ensure that the value of the landscape and the distinctive character and special qualities of the area is protected; this will be the loss of another local farmstead, and in its place an unacceptable and inappropriate proposal. The property has been designed with the forms and material palette of rural buildings that house livestock, with no consideration to the visual aspect. This build is totally different to any other dwelling in the area, and is certainly not in keeping with this area, it can be seen from the lane and will be viewed as a peculiar monstrosity.

It is unfortunate in Pembrokeshire that demolition of dwellings seems to be becoming more common and this does not sit comfortably with the local residents. It is our heritage, our culture, our past that is being demolished. Our relatives lived and worked in these wonderful stone-built houses, and these demolitions have to stop. Retention of these properties, whether listed or not, with the repair and re-use as a family dwelling is paramount. If a building plot is what is required then maybe this is what should be sought.

The plan report says that there will be no increase in traffic, there will obviously be an increase in traffic, as there is an increase in bed space, and with parking to the side of the dwelling and a single car port compared to a single car garage as there is now.

In National Parks, planning authorities should give great weight to the statutory purposes of National Parks, which are to conserve and enhance their natural beauty (in this case the buildings) wildlife (the natural surroundings and open spaces) and cultural heritage, and to promote opportunities for public understanding and enjoyment of their special qualities. Planning authorities should also seek cultural well-being of their local communities and act in the long term to respect environmental limits and operating in an integrated way so that resources are not irreversibly damaged.

Cilfair, Cilgwyn Newport

6th July 2021

Planning Application: NP/21/0271/FUL

Erection of a barn for agricultural use, also overspill ancillary textile workshop and farm office space at first floor. Erection of a cattle feeding shelter and hay store. Retention of an agricultural building/tractor store.

Reg Date: 31-May-2021

This application has been commented on by Newport Town Council and Nevern and Moylegrove Community Council.

See application on PCNPA planning website here:

See previous Planning Application NP/20/0323/FUL that was refused on 14-Oct-2020 here:

See Nevern and Moylegrove Community Council’s comment on this application here:

This application was approved 04-N0v-2021

Plot Adjacent to Penfeidr Uchaf

18th April 2021

Planning application: NP/21/0239/NMA Non Material Amendment to change the scale parameters of NP/18/0342/OUT

See application on planning site here:

Approved 03-June-2021

This is a further application after refusal and dismissal on Appeal of Application no NP/20/0150/FUL

6th July 2021

Two further applications-

NP/21/0182/FUL Reserved Matters application for detailed design of single detached dwelling.

Reg Date: 15 Mar-2021

See application here:

Approved 15-Jul-2021

NP/21/0182/FUL Proposed building of one dwelling on the plot.

Reg Date:16-Mar-2021

See application here:

Approved 10-Sep-2021

Pencastell, Moylegrove

Planning Reference: NP/21/0110/FUL
Proposal for replacement dwelling. Click to view on planning website.
Registration date 25-Feb-2021 REFUSED.

Visualisation from the submitted plans.

This replacement dwelling is high above Ceibr Bay, and is right on the Coastal Footpath. It will be visible for miles around. It is a two storey replacement for a single storey original.

The Nevern Community Council has strenuously opposed this development, and their submission can be seen by clicking here.

There is also strong local opposition; for example see the following letter to the planners:

A site visit has been arranged by the Development Management Committee.

See report to Development Management Committee Meeting 21/07/21 recommending refusal here:

This application was refused on 21st July 2021.

Midland Bank House East St

5th February 2021

Reg date: 13-Jan-2021

Application no: NP/20/0597/FUL

Change of use of lean-to to rear of Midland Bank House to retail/workshop

Application no: NP20/0598/ADV Proposed advert to Midland Bank House

See applications on planning site here:

Application no NP/20/0597/FUL refused 06-April-2021

Application no NP20/0598/ADV approved 06-April-2021

Approved the sign but can’t open the business!

Bettws Bach Parrog

Visualisation of new property
Visualisation of new property, seen from beach

4th February 2021

Application no: NP/20/0574/FUL

Reg date: 18-Dec-2020
New replacement residential dwelling.

See application on planning website here:

The Town Council have reviewed this application, and have raised the issue of light spillage, which we were pleased to see. Here’s an extract from their comments as retrieved from the planning papers:

New replacement residential dwelling
1 Newport Town Council is concerned that the glass fronted facade will lead to significant light spillage. This Council would like conditions imposed to control both internal and external light spill
2 This Council refers to the response of the Tree and Landscape Officer and his recommendation that a condition (in the terms set out in his response ) be attached to any consent granted This Council requests that the scheme of landscaping to be prepared pursuant to this condition will require natural planting that reflects the relatively rural nature of the site

Night Time Visualisation

To see a larger version of the above picture, click here.

Further application NP/21/0080/CAC

New replacement residential dwelling.

Reg Date: 10-Feb-2021

See application on planning here: