Ceisiadau Cynllunio ac ati Trefdraeth Rhybuddion
This site exists to alert the community to current planning applications affecting Newport and the surrounding area. Click here to see the current applications.
Preserve Conserve Protect Newport
Cadw Gwarchod Amddiffyn Trefdraeth
Current Applications
A list of current applications appears in the side bar or at the end of this page in a mobile device.
Please contact us to receive news and information when it is added to our site.
Disclaimer: The authors of this site have made every attempt to ensure accuracy and reliability of the information provided on this website, However, the information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. We do not accept responsibility for the accuracy, content, completeness, or reliability of the information contained in this website. Please bring any errors identified to our attention.
We are grateful to NAEG for hosting this website on their server. However, the information and views here are ours and not those of NAEG.