Newport Golf Club (cancelled)

Variation of Condition 11 of Planning Permission NP/04/316 to allow change of use from Manager’s accommodation to holiday unit.

Variation of Condition 11 of Planning Permission NP/04/316 to allow change of use from Manager’s accommodation to holiday unit.

Registration Date: 17th July 2019. Cancelled. However, there has been a revelation of a serious error made following a previous application. View the planning files. (On the National Park website).

Newport Golf Club

In 2005 Newport Golf Club was granted permission to extend the accommodation of the golf club and and the golf course to an 18 hole course. It was argued that the extra accommodation which included 10 additional letting units, new manager’s accommodation, additional to the existing 4 flats (3 owned by the golf club) were needed to make the business viable. The planning permission tied the accommodation to the golf club with a 106 agreement, which meant it could not be sold off separately to the golf club.

Newport Links Golf Club. PICTURE: Mervyn Greer. Licensed for reuse under the Creative Commons Licence
The view from Newport Links Golf Club

In 2013 the Golf Club owners were granted permission to have the 106 agreement lifted from the 3 original flats by the DMC members, against officer advice, and providing that the proceeds was reinvested back in the business. Some 6 years later it came to the notice of a planning officer that the 10 units had been sold on the open market. Upon investigation it was revealed that the modifications to the 106 agreement to remove the restriction from the 3 flats had removed it from all the accommodation.

Thus all 10 units have been sold off, as well as nine holes of the golf course. Initially it appeared that there was no application to lift the 106 agreement on these units nor planning permission to allow for the sale of these 13 units on the open market.

You can see the monitoring officer’s report to the DMC meeting on the 5th February 2020 by clicking here. You can also view an article in the Western Telegraph, in respect of the sale of the 10 units. Further articles and letters to the monitoring officers from a local resident and the reply from the monitoring officer can be found below.

Western Telegraph Article published on 3rd February 2020

The article can be seen by clicking this link. In it the newspaper states that “NO ACTION is likely to be taken by the national park over an “apparent breach” of a section 106 agreement which resulted in “an unexpected windfall profit” to the owner of Newport Links golf club.

Monitoring Officer’s Report to the DMC.

The Monitoring Officer’s report to the 5th February meeting highlights a serious error made, which allows the owner of the Golf Course to disregard the wishes of the DMC when planning permission was originally granted. See Monitoring Officer report.

A local resident wrote in response to the Monitoring Officer’s report. You can view this letter by clicking below.

Monitoring Officer’s reply to letter (see above) sent to him by local resident.

Following the monitoring officer’s report to the DMC …

Resident’s response to Monitoring Officer.
Article in the Western Telegraph reporting Newport Golf Club owner’s response to the Monitoring officer’s report.

Article in same edition of the Western Telegraph “Park admits error in not spotting change of clause”.

Letter sent to the Western Telegraph by local resident “Newport & Park Planners

The last correspondence in this saga was between a resident and the monitoring officer. In a letter sent to the monitoring officer, these points were made: The Officer did not carry out the Member’s instruction, by making a mistake in discharging the original 106 agreement. The Authority has allowed development in the open countryside contrary to policy. The Authority has not supported the local economy by its action. Pointing out that the only option left was to refer the matter to the Audit Office. The monitoring officer thought it would be beneficial and looked forward to engaging with the it in due course. It would seem there is no recourse for the mistakes made by the Planning Authority even when the the mistakes have resulted in a major development in the open countryside, with no justification for its existence in this prime position overlooking Newport bay.