Midland Bank House East St

28th October 2020

Application no: NP/20/0403/FUL

Provision of ancillary annexe accommodation above existing garage.

Reg date: 09-Oct-2020

See planning application here:https://planning.pembrokeshirecoast.wales.

The Conservation Officer’s comment can be seen here. It says the proposal is considered to adversely affect the character and appearance of Newport Conservation Area and would set a precedent for developments within the Conservation Area.

This application was withdrawn on 02-Dec-2020

Maes Gwenyn

30th Sept 2020

Application no: NP/20/0230/FUL Reg date: 28-April 2020

A One Planet Development consisting of barn, greenhouse, compost toilet and barn.

Nevern and Moylegrove Community Council did not support this application, although there was significant support from the Cilgwyn community.

See planning application submitted on planning website here:


This application was refused on 21-Sept-2020.

Newport Pembs Golf Club

25th September 2020

NP/20/0371/FUL Reg date: 17-Aug-2020

Change of use from redundant Manager’s accommodation to self-contained holiday unit.

See this application and relevant details of previous disposal of accommodation at the Golf Club on planning website here:


Nevern and Moylegrove Community Council objected to this application. See below the reasons given for refusal. It is interesting to note the last two comments where the Council refers to the condition that disposal of the accommodation can only be as an integral part of the golf club, but acknowledges that the other apartments have been put up for sale even though there was a condition. All these apartments have now been sold and as the Council sagely notes the manager’s accommodation will also be sold. The reason this accommodation is now redundant is because of the sale of these apartments along with the sale of 9 hole of the Golf Course and previously 3 flats. There is little left to manage and this has all come about because of the absolute shambles made of the amendment to the original 106 agreement when the National Parks Authority granted permission to remove this covenant from the 3 original flats allowing them to be sold on the open market. In the process of amending the original 106 agreement, a massive blunder occurred with the failure to transfer paragraphs from the original 106 agreement to the amended 106 agreement, not as the monitoring officer has stated in his report an omission of the two words ‘other than’. This meant that all other accommodation and golf course that was tied to the Golf Club was not covered by the new 106 agreement. Read the full details on the history page.

Change of use from redundant Managers accommodation to self contained holiday unit
Newport Links Golf Club, Golf Course Road, Newport, Pembrokeshire. SA42 0NR

Nevern Community Council (by a majority vote) wish to OBJECT to this planning application.

The Council still feel that it is important to keep the Managers accommodation for 
future managers and to maintain the formality and appearance of the building.
For future ownership of the Golf Course, a manager/owner residence is desirable. 
The condition 'that the property can only be disposed of as an integral part of the golf club' 
should be upheld if permission is given by PCNPA planning committee.
The Councillors feel that if planning permission is granted then this building will be put up for 
sale as the other apartments were, even though it seems that there were conditions on these also.

This application was granted at Development Management Committee on 09-Dec-2020. See the Officer’s report to committee here:


See minutes of the DMC meeting here:https://planning.pembrokeshirecoast.wales.

Land North of Maes y Dderwen, Feidr Ganol

7th August 2020

Application no: NP/20/0354/OUT

Erection of 2 infill dwellings (one open market and one affordable) – Outline planning permission with all matters reserved.

Reg date: 14-July-2020

Registered Date 14-July-2020. See planning application here.

Refused on 30-Sept-2020.

We are copying below the letter submitted by Newport Town Council. We agree with all the points made.

NP/20/0354/OUT Land north of Maes y Dderwen Feidr Ganol Newport SA42 ORS
1 The council has received 23 letters/emails opposing the application
2 The aboricultural impact assessment and method statement dated 3/5/19 relates to a new single storey garage adjacent to the existing property and not to the current application
3 The council disagrees with the conclusion of the Highways Dept of PCC that the proposal will not generate enough traffic to cause concern. PCNPA is referred to the comments of the many objectors in this regard. Further,planning permission has already been granted for one dwelling near this site which (when built) will result in increased traffic.As many objectors point out the road is narrow with no pavements and a blind corner nearby .The road is a popular walk for pedestrians both for leisure and to access Newport avoiding the trunk road (which does not have a pavement along its whole length)
4. The council supports the comments and conclusions of Sarah Hirst in her memo to Kate Attrill dated 29/7/20 This council does not intend repeating all the points Sarah Hirst makes.However:
A/The council does not consider that the site is an infill plot.The proposal amounts to ribbon development on a rural lane.The site is not a small gap.The frontage exceeds 90 metres in length .
B/The size of the affordable home would seem inconsistent with any possibility of it being developed as affordable .Please see point 4 in Simon Hoare’s objection dated 23/08/20
C/The new track gate on to Feidr Ganol serving the applicant’s property further separates the site from the neighbouring property to the west
5/ The proposed development would result in a loss of privacy for certain neighbouring properties,particularly the property opposite
6/This council also shares the concerns of many objectors regarding the proposed removal of a length of hedgerow notwithstanding the proposal to build a hedgbank at the rear of the site PCNPA is referred to point 5 of Simon Hoare’s email of objection makes the point cogently
7/As Sarah Hirst points out the plots on the opposite side of the road are much smaller than those proposed in this application and the proposed dwellings would be out of sync with neighbouring properties
8/In conclusion, this council does not consider that the proposal amounts to infill under LDP1 (and therefore should not be allowed )Further as LDP2 does not allow infill in the countryside the proposal should be allowed under LDP2 either
Regards John Griffiths Chair planning committee Newport Town Council

Pengawse Uchaf Mountain West

5th July 20120

Application no: NP/20/0213/FUL Reg date: 22-4-20

Proposed demolition /part reconstruction/extensions & alterations to dwelling with replacement of shed with new workshop building

View application on planning website:


This application was approved on 28-July-20

Pengawse House
Proposed Alterations and Extension to Pengawse Isaf – extracted from drawings submitted.
picture of shed
Extracted from drawings submitted for shed/workshop

Penwern Mill Lane

Application no: NP/20/0156/FUL Reg date:16-3-20

Amended design to scheme of alterations and extension to dwelling under NP/17/0512 to provide annexe for occupation for family members.

The Town Council recommended approval subject to :

  1. Limiting the annexe to one household as a measure of preventing independent use or severance of the annexe.
  2. Planting scheme of native trees approved by the National Park.

See application here: https://planning.pembrokeshirecoast.wales

This application was approved on 12-Oct-20

Image extracted from the drawings submitted

Lle Bryony, the Old Pottery site

Old Pottery development
Lle Bryony, the Old Pottery site

Further development is now being carried out on the old pottery site next door to Yard y Parrog. The lovely old pottery building becoming hidden amongst a further 3 luxury properties, albeit it is all crammed on to a small site. The price of the 3 bedroom properties on Lle Bryony are from £425,000 up to £465,00. The owner was exempt from providing an affordable element on the site, because a small amount of land was given to an adjoining site enabling an increase in the number of affordable to rent units on that site.  The overall appearance of both the sites is of a development that one would see in a city not in the National Park.

Nearing completion the houses on the Old Pottery Site adjoined by one of the affordable houses on the neighbouring site on the top of Parrog Road. The over development of the plot has produced an untidy, incohesive development
The old Pottery building flanked by a new unit diminishing the character of the original building
Development completed with two properties already sold. Another character building disappears, in this case engulfed by a a development that is totally out of character with its surroundings and not in the vernacular for Newport.

3 of the 4 properties for sale have sold on completion.

Old Pony Paddock Parrog Road

This is development of 2 open market houses and 2 affordable houses, being developed on a very small site.

Old Pony Paddock – the two open market houses

These are the open market housing on this site. They are 3 storey houses not in keeping with the vernacular and again obliterating Carningli. Yet another development on Parrog Road that has robbed Newport of an iconic view, this time from the coastal path and walking up from Parrog.

The two four bedroom open market properties near to completion with an asking price of £575,000 and £599,000
Sea and estuary views from the bath and view of bather from the coastal path. A first for Newport!
Both properties sold on completion.