Tyrhibin Isaf

18th August 2021

NP/21/0191/FUL Proposed Replacement Dwelling & Associated Works.

Reg date: 17-March-2021

See planning application here:https://planning.pembrokeshirecoast.wales.

Nevern Community Council’s comment below:




Members of Nevern Community Council strongly oppose the demolition and rebuild of Ty Rhibyn Isaf, Newport, Pembrokeshire. They fully support the Consultation carried out by Mr. Scourfield

‘The planning system must take into account the Welsh Government’s objectives to protect, conserve, promote and enhance the historic environment as a resource for the general well-being of present and future generations. The historic environment is a finite, non-renewable and shared resource and a vital and integral part of the historical and cultural identity of Wales. It contributes to economic vitality and culture, civic pride, local distinctiveness and the quality of Welsh life. The historic environment can only be maintained as a resource for future generations if the individual historic assets are protected and conserved.’

By demolishing the existing cottage, does not in the view of the councillors, ensure that the value of the landscape and the distinctive character and special qualities of the area is protected; this will be the loss of another local farmstead, and in its place an unacceptable and inappropriate proposal. The property has been designed with the forms and material palette of rural buildings that house livestock, with no consideration to the visual aspect. This build is totally different to any other dwelling in the area, and is certainly not in keeping with this area, it can be seen from the lane and will be viewed as a peculiar monstrosity.

It is unfortunate in Pembrokeshire that demolition of dwellings seems to be becoming more common and this does not sit comfortably with the local residents. It is our heritage, our culture, our past that is being demolished. Our relatives lived and worked in these wonderful stone-built houses, and these demolitions have to stop. Retention of these properties, whether listed or not, with the repair and re-use as a family dwelling is paramount. If a building plot is what is required then maybe this is what should be sought.

The plan report says that there will be no increase in traffic, there will obviously be an increase in traffic, as there is an increase in bed space, and with parking to the side of the dwelling and a single car port compared to a single car garage as there is now.

In National Parks, planning authorities should give great weight to the statutory purposes of National Parks, which are to conserve and enhance their natural beauty (in this case the buildings) wildlife (the natural surroundings and open spaces) and cultural heritage, and to promote opportunities for public understanding and enjoyment of their special qualities. Planning authorities should also seek cultural well-being of their local communities and act in the long term to respect environmental limits and operating in an integrated way so that resources are not irreversibly damaged.

Cilfair, Cilgwyn Newport

6th July 2021

Planning Application: NP/21/0271/FUL

Erection of a barn for agricultural use, also overspill ancillary textile workshop and farm office space at first floor. Erection of a cattle feeding shelter and hay store. Retention of an agricultural building/tractor store.

Reg Date: 31-May-2021

This application has been commented on by Newport Town Council and Nevern and Moylegrove Community Council.

See application on PCNPA planning website here: https://planning.pembrokeshirecoast.wales.

See previous Planning Application NP/20/0323/FUL that was refused on 14-Oct-2020 here: https://planning.pembrokeshirecoast.wales.

See Nevern and Moylegrove Community Council’s comment on this application here: https://planning.pembrokeshirecoast.wales.

This application was approved 04-N0v-2021

Pencastell, Moylegrove

Planning Reference: NP/21/0110/FUL
Proposal for replacement dwelling. Click to view on planning website.
Registration date 25-Feb-2021 REFUSED.

Visualisation from the submitted plans.

This replacement dwelling is high above Ceibr Bay, and is right on the Coastal Footpath. It will be visible for miles around. It is a two storey replacement for a single storey original.

The Nevern Community Council has strenuously opposed this development, and their submission can be seen by clicking here.

There is also strong local opposition; for example see the following letter to the planners:

A site visit has been arranged by the Development Management Committee.

See report to Development Management Committee Meeting 21/07/21 recommending refusal here:https://www.pembrokeshirecoast.wales/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/NP_21_0110.pdf

This application was refused on 21st July 2021.

Land North of Maes y Dderwen, Feidr Ganol

7th August 2020

Application no: NP/20/0354/OUT

Erection of 2 infill dwellings (one open market and one affordable) – Outline planning permission with all matters reserved.

Reg date: 14-July-2020

Registered Date 14-July-2020. See planning application here.

Refused on 30-Sept-2020.

We are copying below the letter submitted by Newport Town Council. We agree with all the points made.

NP/20/0354/OUT Land north of Maes y Dderwen Feidr Ganol Newport SA42 ORS
1 The council has received 23 letters/emails opposing the application
2 The aboricultural impact assessment and method statement dated 3/5/19 relates to a new single storey garage adjacent to the existing property and not to the current application
3 The council disagrees with the conclusion of the Highways Dept of PCC that the proposal will not generate enough traffic to cause concern. PCNPA is referred to the comments of the many objectors in this regard. Further,planning permission has already been granted for one dwelling near this site which (when built) will result in increased traffic.As many objectors point out the road is narrow with no pavements and a blind corner nearby .The road is a popular walk for pedestrians both for leisure and to access Newport avoiding the trunk road (which does not have a pavement along its whole length)
4. The council supports the comments and conclusions of Sarah Hirst in her memo to Kate Attrill dated 29/7/20 This council does not intend repeating all the points Sarah Hirst makes.However:
A/The council does not consider that the site is an infill plot.The proposal amounts to ribbon development on a rural lane.The site is not a small gap.The frontage exceeds 90 metres in length .
B/The size of the affordable home would seem inconsistent with any possibility of it being developed as affordable .Please see point 4 in Simon Hoare’s objection dated 23/08/20
C/The new track gate on to Feidr Ganol serving the applicant’s property further separates the site from the neighbouring property to the west
5/ The proposed development would result in a loss of privacy for certain neighbouring properties,particularly the property opposite
6/This council also shares the concerns of many objectors regarding the proposed removal of a length of hedgerow notwithstanding the proposal to build a hedgbank at the rear of the site PCNPA is referred to point 5 of Simon Hoare’s email of objection makes the point cogently
7/As Sarah Hirst points out the plots on the opposite side of the road are much smaller than those proposed in this application and the proposed dwellings would be out of sync with neighbouring properties
8/In conclusion, this council does not consider that the proposal amounts to infill under LDP1 (and therefore should not be allowed )Further as LDP2 does not allow infill in the countryside the proposal should be allowed under LDP2 either
Regards John Griffiths Chair planning committee Newport Town Council

Map showing all properties in Newport

Thanks to a Newportian, we’ve obtained a very detailed map showing and naming almost every house in Newport. This is a very large image, but if you click the link below you can view or download it. https://planning.naeg.org.uk/resources/map-all-houses-newport-v02.png

Map of Newport’s Houses

Once you are viewing the map, just right click and select “save image as” to download the file.

Absence of safe path from affordable housing through open market site

This is a letter sent to the National Park by a local resident, who has persisted to get a pedestrian path, from the affordable rented housing at Maes y Mynydd through the housing site Church Fields to Goat Street, which members of the DMC made a condition of the planning permission, but it has not been done and the site is now occupied and fenced off from the market housing.  Absence of safe footpath

28th October 2020

The issue of the absent path has now been taken up by Newport Area Environment Group (NAEG) https://naeg.org.uk. The latest news is that the discussion is still ongoing between the planning authority and the developer as to the provision of this path. We will keep you posted.

Lle Bryony, the Old Pottery site

Old Pottery development
Lle Bryony, the Old Pottery site

Further development is now being carried out on the old pottery site next door to Yard y Parrog. The lovely old pottery building becoming hidden amongst a further 3 luxury properties, albeit it is all crammed on to a small site. The price of the 3 bedroom properties on Lle Bryony are from £425,000 up to £465,00. The owner was exempt from providing an affordable element on the site, because a small amount of land was given to an adjoining site enabling an increase in the number of affordable to rent units on that site.  The overall appearance of both the sites is of a development that one would see in a city not in the National Park.

Nearing completion the houses on the Old Pottery Site adjoined by one of the affordable houses on the neighbouring site on the top of Parrog Road. The over development of the plot has produced an untidy, incohesive development
The old Pottery building flanked by a new unit diminishing the character of the original building
Development completed with two properties already sold. Another character building disappears, in this case engulfed by a a development that is totally out of character with its surroundings and not in the vernacular for Newport.

3 of the 4 properties for sale have sold on completion.

Old Pony Paddock Parrog Road

This is development of 2 open market houses and 2 affordable houses, being developed on a very small site.

Old Pony Paddock – the two open market houses

These are the open market housing on this site. They are 3 storey houses not in keeping with the vernacular and again obliterating Carningli. Yet another development on Parrog Road that has robbed Newport of an iconic view, this time from the coastal path and walking up from Parrog.

The two four bedroom open market properties near to completion with an asking price of £575,000 and £599,000
Sea and estuary views from the bath and view of bather from the coastal path. A first for Newport!
Both properties sold on completion.

Newport Golf Club – sale of properties on open market

No action is being taken by the National Park over a serious error which resulted in National Planning Policy being breached over the sale on the open market of 10 properties by Newport Golf Club.

There has been a serious error resulting in the sale of 10 properties on the open market, contrary to National Planning Policy. This case received extensive press coverage and full details can be seen by clicking here.

Berry Lodge Golf Course Rd Newport. Reg date 12 Dec 2019

Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of 2 storey replacement dwelling.

Demolition of existing dwelling and construction of 2 storey replacement dwelling.

View Application

This application will be considered by Nevern and Moylegrove Community Council, contact: nevernandmoylegrovecc@gmail.com

This application went before the Development Management Committee on the 18/3/2020 with the Officers recommending refusal.
The application was refused on 20th March 2020. You can view the refusal notice.

At the same DMC meeting a separate application for Berry Lodge for part demolition, alterations and extension to dwelling was approved. Full details are on the PCNPA Planning site and can be seen by clicking here.