7th August 2020
Application no: NP/20/0354/OUT
Erection of 2 infill dwellings (one open market and one affordable) – Outline planning permission with all matters reserved.
Reg date: 14-July-2020
Registered Date 14-July-2020. See planning application here.
Refused on 30-Sept-2020.
We are copying below the letter submitted by Newport Town Council. We agree with all the points made.
NP/20/0354/OUT Land north of Maes y Dderwen Feidr Ganol Newport SA42 ORS
1 The council has received 23 letters/emails opposing the application
2 The aboricultural impact assessment and method statement dated 3/5/19 relates to a new single storey garage adjacent to the existing property and not to the current application
3 The council disagrees with the conclusion of the Highways Dept of PCC that the proposal will not generate enough traffic to cause concern. PCNPA is referred to the comments of the many objectors in this regard. Further,planning permission has already been granted for one dwelling near this site which (when built) will result in increased traffic.As many objectors point out the road is narrow with no pavements and a blind corner nearby .The road is a popular walk for pedestrians both for leisure and to access Newport avoiding the trunk road (which does not have a pavement along its whole length)
4. The council supports the comments and conclusions of Sarah Hirst in her memo to Kate Attrill dated 29/7/20 This council does not intend repeating all the points Sarah Hirst makes.However:
A/The council does not consider that the site is an infill plot.The proposal amounts to ribbon development on a rural lane.The site is not a small gap.The frontage exceeds 90 metres in length .
B/The size of the affordable home would seem inconsistent with any possibility of it being developed as affordable .Please see point 4 in Simon Hoare’s objection dated 23/08/20
C/The new track gate on to Feidr Ganol serving the applicant’s property further separates the site from the neighbouring property to the west
5/ The proposed development would result in a loss of privacy for certain neighbouring properties,particularly the property opposite
6/This council also shares the concerns of many objectors regarding the proposed removal of a length of hedgerow notwithstanding the proposal to build a hedgbank at the rear of the site PCNPA is referred to point 5 of Simon Hoare’s email of objection makes the point cogently
7/As Sarah Hirst points out the plots on the opposite side of the road are much smaller than those proposed in this application and the proposed dwellings would be out of sync with neighbouring properties
8/In conclusion, this council does not consider that the proposal amounts to infill under LDP1 (and therefore should not be allowed )Further as LDP2 does not allow infill in the countryside the proposal should be allowed under LDP2 either
Regards John Griffiths Chair planning committee Newport Town Council